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Helpful Tips for Preventing A Migraine

Helpful Tips for Preventing A Migraine

Migraines normally have specific triggers. If you can identify and avoid these triggers it may be possible to lessen the chances of onset. According to the Migraine Research Foundation there are almost 36 million Americans that suffer with migraine headaches. Here are a few things that may help you avoid them in the future.

Choose Your Food and Drink Wisely – know the foods and additives that can trigger a headache for you. You know your body best. Learn which foods or drinks are triggers and pay attention to avoid them in the future. It doesn't matter how good it may taste at the moment if the long term result is to suffer a migraine.

Hormonal Changes can trigger headaches, mostly in women. Some women experience more headaches around their time of menstruation because of hormonal changes in the body. Pay close attention to your triggers during this time to alleviate suffering from migraines.

Loud Noises and Bright Lights can be triggers for some. Sensory overload can be hard to avoid sometimes. But once again, know your triggers and do your best to avoid these things. Take a breather from your screens once in a while. Try to notice when things start to disturb you and take action to avoid them or change your situation as soon as possible.

It may be good for you to keep a headache diary. By keeping a diary and making note of specific things so that you can become more aware of triggers to prevent them in the future. Make note of any factors, food, drink, exercise, weather, emotions, medications and anything else. The more information the better to help you avoid future headaches.

Weather changes can be triggers for headaches. Pay attention to the weather. Rainy days, high humidity, hot temps are all aspects of weather which may become triggers for you. If the weather causes you headaches, try to stay inside as much as possible until the wind shifts.

There are supplements available that may help you. Sometimes a magnesium deficiency may be an issue. There are many factors. Discuss with your doctor the possibility of taking some herbal remedies or supplements to help you reduce future migraines.

Sleeping and eating on a regular schedule will help keep your body in sync. Skipping meals or not drinking enough water can be triggers as well. Make sure you are getting enough sleep, 7 hours minimum but don't sleep more than 9 hours. Too much or too little sleep may be a trigger for your headaches.

Stress, stress, stress. I can never over-emphasize the debilitating things that stress can do to you, body and mind. Learn to control stress with yoga, meditation, or relaxation techniques. Stress is the number one cause of disease in our society today and can lead to disease and early death.

Exercise is such an important part of staying healthy. My motto is "Keep Moving". I walk regularly, do yoga, kayak, swim and anything else I can come up with, on a regular basis. I have had some very tough times in the past year and these exercises, as well as being outdoors, has helped me get through them all. Sometimes intense exercise can be a trigger for headaches. Once again, the key is to pay attention to your body. Notice what causes the headaches and make note for future reference.

Migraines can be a real problem for some but with some of these techniques and by learning to pay attention to your body and triggers, the future may be less painful for people who suffer from migraines.

Mary Crawford, HealthCare Employment Network

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