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Healthcare Traveler Magazine Online

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The Health Care Traveling is a professional way to care about the health, some social resource is important for the health.

Happiest of Holidays to All!

Happiest of Holidays to All!
All of us here at would like to take this opportunity to wish you and yours a very happy holiday season, regardless of which holiday you are celebrating. Merry Christmas! Yule Tidings! Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanza and any other holidays that are being celebrated during this festive time of year.It is a time to be with your l...
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1902 Hits

Line up those New Year Travel Assignments

Line up those New Year Travel Assignments
Well the holidays are upon us and hopefully you have already lined up your next travel assignment for the upcoming year. There is so much opportunity all across the country for travel nurses and professional healthcare travelers at this time. In many instances there are a lot more jobs available then there are qualified professionals to fill them.I...
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1926 Hits

What is Flotation Therapy?

What is Flotation Therapy?
Well I have been seeing lots of information about this and do intend to try it very soon. It's all about relaxation and we all know that if you can relax there are many benefits to be had. Other beneficial effects have been found as well.Flotation Therapy is a sensory deprivation technique and is becoming more and more popular. The tank itself is u...
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1852 Hits

Many Benefits of CBD Oil

Many Benefits of CBD Oil
CBD Oil is most definitely taking the country by storm. I know so many people that are now using this non-psychoactive compound for a variety of issues. Cannabidiol is one of the cannabinoids found in the cannabis plant and recently has been the subject of much research.It is a safe and effective option for many patients who are concerned about the...
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1978 Hits

Atlas MedStaff – Doing the Right Thing!

Atlas MedStaff – Doing the Right Thing!
That's the motto at Atlas MedStaff. They believe in doing the right thing, for their clients in the field and their internal staff and they do not waiver. At Atlas the values in place as a team internally are what allows us to provide optimal care for our clients, hospitals and healthcare professionals alike. Honesty, independence, integrity, and p...
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2138 Hits

Here Comes Halloween!

Here Comes Halloween!
Halloween 2018 is here already. Can you believe this year is coming to a close? It sure has flown by.I'm sure we all know by now the origins of Halloween. It started from Samhain, the ancient Celtic holiday. But, of course, over the centuries it has completely changed from a pagan ritual to a holiday complete with parties, pumpkins, costumes and de...
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753 Hits

Calling Cardiac Cath Lab Travel Nurses

Calling Cardiac Cath Lab Travel Nurses
​The Registered Nurse in the Cardiac Cath Lab works under the supervision of the physician and handles the coordination, assessment and planning for patient care management during invasive vascular and cardiac interventional and diagnostic procedures. This also requires the proper operation of the equipment involved in these procedures.The top heal...
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709 Hits

Great Food Tips for Depression

Great Food Tips for Depression
The way you feel has so much to do with what you are consuming every day. What you put in your mouth and of course what you feed your mind as well. But, let's deal with what's going in your mouth and fueling your body. If you eat junk then your body will turn to junk, if not now….then later. Neither option is good if you plan on living a healthy ac...
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679 Hits helps Travel Nurses helps Travel Nurses
​HealthCare Employment Network,, is here to help you, the travel nurse, or professional healthcare traveler find the right job, at the right time and in the right place for you.Have you been thinking about trying travel nursing? Or are you a seasoned traveler ready for your next adventure?Either way, we can help you. For the...
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592 Hits

Turmeric – the spice for your health

Turmeric – the spice for your health
​Turmeric has been used for cooking and healing for over 2000 years. The active component in turmeric is curcumin. It is from the ginger family. The spice turmeric is made by grinding up the turmeric root. It is one of the main spices used in curry and has a bitter, warm taste. The root contains a yellow chemical called curcumin.There are many stud...
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603 Hits

RNFA Travel Assignments Available

RNFA Travel Assignments Available
​The travel nurse and professional healthcare travel industry is booming with thousands of jobs available in top facilities and major markets all across our beautiful country. On a recent job search narrowed down to the specialty RNFA, I found jobs in Maryland, Florida (multiple locations), Kentucky, Georgia, Oklahoma and Wisconsin. That's quite a ...
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655 Hits

Great Weekend Adventures in Florida for Travel Nurses

Great Weekend Adventures in Florida for Travel Nurses
When you are on assignment in the Sunshine State the possibilities are endless for your exploration and adventures during your down time. Travel assignments for travel nurses and professional healthcare providers can be found in many different areas of the state, from the panhandle to the Florida keys. Weekend getaways can vary depending on what pa...
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567 Hits

Are Short Term Travel Nurse Assignments for You?

Are Short Term Travel Nurse Assignments for You?
​Are you ready for the challenge? Short term assignments are for those who enjoy the change and the challenge, with some as short as 4 weeks. Quick Starters who can jump right in and join the team are always needed for these travel nurse assignments. And, of course, there are plenty of these assignments available around the holidays if you decide i...
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569 Hits

Introducing MedUS Travelers

Introducing MedUS Travelers
​MedUS Travelers, formerly Axis Providers, in Cincinnati, OH states that their goals are the same as yours. Excellent Outcomes and Excellent Service. Your success is their success and MedUS Travelers will make it happen…together with you.Focused on excellence in everything that they do, MedUS Travelers is a community of healthcare providers dedicat...
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1130 Hits

Great Fall Destinations for Travel Nurses

Great Fall Destinations for Travel Nurses
​There are so many great opportunities for Travel Nurses and Professional Healthcare Travelers to take in local fall festivals if that is what makes you happy. I have a done a little research and here are a list of a few with links to their sites if you would like more information about them.How about the Pumpkin Festival in New Hampshire? Pumpkins...
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805 Hits
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