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To have a Physician assistant license is very important. Following are the states which have nursing license boards.

Physicain Assiatant State Licensing Boards - United States
•  Alabama •  Maine •  Puerto Rico
•  Alaska •  Maryland •  Rhode Island
•  Arizona •  Massachusetts •  South Carolina
•  Arkansas •  Michigan •  South Dakota
•  California •  Minnesota •  Tennessee
•  Colorado •  Mississippi •  Texas
•  Connecticut •  Missouri •  Utah
•  Delaware •  Montana •  Vermont
•  District Columbia •  Nebraska •  Virgin Islands
•  Florida •  Nevada •  Virginia
•  Georgia •  New Hampshire •  Washington
•  Guam •  New Jersey •  West Virginia
•  Hawaii •  New Mexico •  Wisconsin
•  Idaho •  New York •  Wyoming
•  Illinois •  North Carolina  
•  Indiana •  North Dakota  
•  Iowa •  Ohio  
•  Kansas •  Oklahoma  
•  Kentucky •  Oregon  
•  Louisiana •  Pennsylvania  
Nurse Licensure Compact (NLC)
Compact Lic Map
 What is the Interstate Nurse Licensure Compact?

Substantially, the nursinglicensure field has been modified over the previous 10 years. According to the National Council of State Board of Nursing, after reviewing the state licensure laws in the 1990s, the issuance of a multi-state yields greater benefits. This lead toward the advancement of Interstate Nursing Licensure Compact

It is a licensure law as well an agreement between different states. The compact has been embraced by 24 states until now. The Interstate licensure Compact has been operational since 10 years. The states which agreed on this compact, work with each other on interstate enforcement actions. The participation states accept each other’s initial licensure determinations. This licensure works much like the Interstate Driver’s License Compact.. 

Frequently Asked Questions about the Nurse Licensure Compact
 Compact State Licensure / Advanced Practice Nurse

The compact states are basically recognizing the RN license only.  If advanced practice nursing, i.e. nurse practitioner, is specifically recognized in the state where the APN is going to practice, the prevailing state regulation regarding advanced practice in the non-home state would apply.  The APN will be governed by the rules and regulations for advanced practice in the state where they will be working.  Please check with that state board of nursing for the advanced practice rules and regulations.