Did you know that today August 19th is World Photo Day? We live in a world where there are literally millions of pictures uploaded every day. World Photo Day is an international event celebrating the passion for photography that so many of us have.

The purpose of World Photo Day is to share your world with the rest of the world through a single photograph. Everything from breathtaking landscapes to everyday life will be documented on this day and compiled at the web site worldphototoday.com. No matter where you are, who you are or what kind of camera or equipment you may have, World Photo Day will help us all share our world with each other.

August 19th was chosen to be World Photo Day because of the history of the date. On August 19, 1839, the government of France purchased the patent for the Daguerreotype and announced the invention as a free gift to the world.

World Photo Day was celebrated for the first time on August 19, 2010 and has come a long with since. World Photo Day founder, Korske Ara, spent hours learning the skills needed to build a web site that could support a global gallery of photographs uploaded by users around the world.

You can become part of World Photo Day and share your photograph with the rest of the world by visiting WorldPhotoDay.com and registering to upload your pictures.

And, of course Travel Nurses and Healthcare travelers have the upper hand in this area with all their travels under their belts and hopefully some beautiful photographs to share as well. Safe travels and let's get those photos uploaded!

 Mary Crawford, Healthcare Employment Network