Just some good stuff to help you every day. I have been a big fan of Stuart Wilde for many years and always loved listening to his books on tape and reading his books. He was a great spiritual teacher and traveled the world opening people's minds. Here are a few affirmations for reclaiming your power!

"I am eternal, immortal, universal, and infinite. My expectations are truly limitless"

"This is my day. I control each and every thing that comes to me. I accept complete responsibility for my life. I am power. So be it."

"The universe is abundant. Therefore I naturally feel abundant. All my needs are met."

"I feel good therefore my life is good."

"I dedicate my life to the power within me. Through dedication I unfold naturally to the highest potential of my being."

"I am what I am and what I am has beauty and strength."

"May the freshness of this new day vitalize and heal my body."

"I am the power. I am the light. I control my life."

"Courage is a natural part of my being. By facing life I transcend it."

"I am the power. I pull from within me the energy I need to go beyond my challenges."

Hope you enjoyed the words of one of my teachers. Be safe and have a happy day!

Mary Crawford, HealthCare Employment Network