Healthcare can be a very stressful profession, as I'm sure you are all aware. There are many days when you are not sure you are going to make it through your shift….but you do. Stress is a big part of the job in many healthcare professions and learning how to deal with your stress can save your sanity, help you stay well and extend the life in your years.

Here are a few quick ways to help you relieve your stress.

Check your posture. There are reminder apps for this as well. Straighten up and drop your shoulders. I don't know about you, but I carry so much stress in my shoulders sometimes it feels like they are up almost to my ears.

Consciously breathe. Even three or four deep breaths can change your whole attitude. Focus grasshopper only on the breath, even for a few seconds.

Make sure you stay hydrated with plenty of water and eat small, nutritious snacks. Don't go for the immediate sugar rush of a sugary snack, there is always a crash after that initial energy charge.

Let go. I know, easier said than done. But you can do it. Practice letting go. There is much we are not in control of and as healthcare travelers and travel nurses in the medical profession you see this even more. But practice letting go. It takes practice, but holding on to things you have no control over will not help you, your attitude or your health. Let go.

Develop a time management strategy. This is a simple step that can save you so much stress. To jump start this new strategy, think of one thing you have been putting off. Just do it. Getting one thing off your list that you have been dreading can really improve your outlook.

Go outside! Very important one. If you can get outside, even just under a tree for a brief break, it can do wonders for you. It is proven that nature is healthy for you and can improve your attitude and your health.

Exercise. Of course, I can't stress this one enough. In the past couple of years I have suffered several losses and exercise has helped me get through so much of it. It gets the endorphins going and is good for you in all aspects. If you can't exercise, at least take a few minutes and do some simple stretching. A stretching routine can be as effective and beneficial for your body as a workout routine.

Meditation is also a great stress buster and it's easy. You just sit down and focus on the breath for a few breaths. Breathe in and breathe out, very simple. You can definitely do this one! If you would like to explore meditation further just look online, there are hundreds, if not thousands of videos to help you. But, in my experience, all you really need to do is sit comfortably and listen to your breath.

Stress is such a big part of our fast paced lives and as healthcare travelers and travel nurses there may be even more stress in your life. Hopefully these tips will help you and of course, as always, plenty more information is available online.

Breathe. Focus. Relax and Keep Going!

Mary Crawford, HealthCare Employment Network