There are many long term effects that alcohol consumption has on your body.

Alcohol can trigger changes in your DNA and will also affect nearly every cell and organ system in your body. Alcohol is number 3 on the cancer causing list, right behind smoking and excess weight. Of course alcohol can also add to weight gain.

Within only one month of alcohol use you may experience:

Diminished memory formation due to a buildup of ethanol in the brain. Alcohol also causes shrinking of the hippocampus which affects learning and memory.

Stiffness increase in the liver and this increases your risk of cirrhosis of the liver.

Alcohol increases the inflammatory markers and causes systemic inflammation. Even a single binge can cause a dramatic rise in inflammation. Your body reacts to alcohol the same way it reacts to infection or injury.

Alcohol puts stress on your heart and raises your risk of arrhythmias, high blood pressure, stoke and cardiomyopathy.

The use of alcohol can cause gut damage by allowing bacteria to escape into your bloodstream and this will elevate endotoxin levels in the body.

There are ways to reduce the detrimental effects of alcohol on your body. These can include exercise and supplements such as Vitamin C, B vitamins, milk thistle and magnesium. The key always is moderation….and if you don't drink, don't start.

Mary Crawford, HealthCare Employment Network