There are several basic things that most centenarians around the world have in common that may help explain their longevity.

The two most important factors were found to be having a good group of family and/or friends that you stay close to and can count on for support and the second was keeping your sense of humor.

It is important to take care of yourself. I have found this to be more and more true as I age. I am a mother of four and spent the last 30 years taking care of everybody else. Now I try to do more things that I enjoy. I exercise often and go dancing twice a week or more if possible.

Of course, another important factor, and one I also firmly agree with, is getting good sleep. Sleeping is very important because your body needs to rest and recharge. There are many things you can do to help with sleeping if you have issues in this respect. Please look back at our previous blogs if you would like more info there.

Stress relief is important. You have to try to remove some, if not all, the stress from your life. Worrying does nobody any good and doesn't change anything. If you are feeling stressed or depressed, try moving your body. If you can get outside and walk, for even ten minutes, you will be amazed by the change in your mood and clarity. I have walked many miles relieving stress and depression and can attest to this. Yoga and meditation are also great tools and you don't need anything or anybody for any of these activities. They can be done alone, on your own, at your choice of time and place, or of course, with a group as well.

Eat food from as close to the source as possible. Eat organic as much as you can and Eat Less! Don't eat your meals out of boxes or frozen packages. Chemically processed and microwaved foods take a big toll on your health. You can bet centenarians are not eating food from a box and you don't have to either.

And last but not least, cut down your exposure to Electronic Magnetic Fields as much as you can. Don't keep your phone so close. Don't leave your TV on. There are many ways to reduce your exposure to these dangerous fields every day.

Every day you make a choice to live healthy or not. Nobody can make that choice for you. Choose health and do your research. Listen to your body and keep moving! Have a great week. Spring is coming!

Mary Crawford, HealthCare Employment Network