Yoga has been used for health and wellbeing for thousands of years. There are many types of yoga and I'm sure you could find one that you would be comfortable practicing.

I started practicing yoga in my living room with a videotape about twenty-five years ago. I followed the tape and did it at home alone for probably two years before ever taking my first class. Since then I have attended many different classes and even a couple of weekend yoga conferences. It has helped me through many hard times and physical difficulties.

There is not one way of doing yoga. There are different types of yoga, vinyasa which means flowing, hatha basically means yoga, hot yoga, yoga nidra to help you heal and so many more variations to be found today. The best part is that you adapt yoga to your needs. All poses are adaptable to what you are capable of and you grow from there.

Yoga will help you build strength, harmony and awareness in your body and mind. Most yoga also includes breathing practices and some meditation or stillness. There is lots of stretching and moving into the postures or asanas as they are called. But the physical aspect of yoga is a very small part of the practice. Mindfulness is key to developing and deepening your practice.

Some of the many benefits I have found from my yoga practice include increased flexibility of course as well as better muscle strength. When I get done with my practice each morning my body and mind feel much more focused and ready to take on the day. It will improve your energy and vitality too. Yoga can also help heighten your athletic performance and protect you from injury.

Yoga has so many benefits and even a little bit each day will make a big difference in your health and wellbeing. You can find a gentle morning practice online to practice with or of course there are lots of yoga classes of all types available at your local gym or studio. I hope you will try some yoga. It can only help you as it has helped me so much over the past twenty-plus years. I can honestly say I will never give up my yoga practice. It enhances my day every day!

Mary Crawford, HealthCare Employment Network