Stress, stress, stress, the number one killer of all in the western world today. Stress leads to chronic disease long term and that's why in America the cancer stats are still on the rise.Stress activates your fight or flight response and that makes your body produce more cortisol, adrenaline and noradrenaline. This in turn makes your heart beat faster, prepares muscles and makes your alert so that you can protect yourself in a challenging or dangerous situation. Your reaction to the stress is what makes the difference.

There are so many stressful things in our life today as the rapid pace seems only to keep getting faster and everyone wanting more, more, more…There is just not enough time. As travel nurses and healthcare travelers you know that timing is very important. Efficient use of your time is a skill we all must work on each day.

Stress only makes things worse. When it seems you are going to explode, try to step aside and take 3 deep breaths, at least. I know, it sounds insane when you are busy to take a minute, but sometimes it is necessary. Just 3 conscious breaths can make a huge difference. Obviously this is not practical in an emergency situation as a healthcare professional, but when it is, please remember, just 3 conscious breaths. Even just a brisk walk around the neighborhood if that's all you can squeeze in. I'm a Florida native so I can almost always get outside for a walk or a bike ride. There are always gyms available and then of course, youtube. There are plenty of fun things to do on youtube. Some of my favorite yoga workouts were found on youtube once I searched for one. Try it, you might find something you really enjoy. So, my solution, move, move, move your body!

Caffeine can add to your stress levels too. So many times during the day it's so much easier to go for the caffeinated beverage to keep you going. If you are drinking too much caffeine, cut down. Drink more water and less other stuff. Your body really only needs the water, not the sugar and caffeine.

Relaxation techniques are a great way to unwind at the end of a stressful day. I personally practice yoga and a self-healing practice called yoga nidra. I have been doing this in my home for over 20 years and find it very helpful. As mentioned above, there are plenty of videos available online to help you learn to relax or of course, if you enjoy reading, plenty of books on the subject. Please indulge yourself. It will have long term and lasting results if you do some relaxation and/or meditation.

Expressing your thoughts and feelings to someone is helpful as well. Do you have a great friend you can vent to? I know I do and luckily it's usually one of us that needs to vent at a time. If you don't have someone you can chat honestly and openly with go see someone. There is nothing wrong with seeking help and talking is a great way to get stuff out. If you do it with a professional it's all confidential and they can offer suggestions to help you get through issues.

Of course, there is always my favorite sayings, often repeated by so many of my teachers….."If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change".

Whatever it is you have to do to get rid of the stress, do it. Go walk around the block, go hit a few balls, swim a few laps….but get moving, get rid of that stress and Feel Better!

Mary Crawford, HealthCare Employment Network