All of us here at HealthCare Employment Network would like to send out holiday greetings to all of our readers, travel nurses and healthcare professionals.

We say Happy Holidays! So that we can make sure we are sending the best holiday wishes and vibes to everybody, of all religions and faiths.

The holiday traditions in most families are carried on with each generation adding their own spice or new ideas to the traditional celebrations. But most of us are all about being with family, friends and loved ones and enjoying food, stories, games, presents and more. Let's all try to take a few minutes this holiday season and appreciate all the beauty around us and all the wonderful things that we take for granted every day.

And Remember, One minute of anger weakens the immune system for 4 – 5 hours, While One minute of laughing boosts your immune system for 24 hours. Choose Laughter and Enjoy your holidays! Here are a few words from one of my many teachers….

"Do it.
Wear that dress too tight.
Let your hair down.
Get up and dance.
Make a fool of yourself more often.
Find reasons to laugh.
Make love.
Create something beautiful.
Speak up!
Know your worth.
Don't apologize for your magic and stop hiding your light.
Give yourself love.
Make room for the unexpected.
Stop waiting for the right time, do it now.
Forget what people think of you;
Because in the end, you are the one you'll have to answer to for all the things you didn't say, the people you didn't love, the things you never did and the places you didn't go.
Do it now."
~ Brooke Hampton

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to All!

Mary Crawford, HealthCare Employment Network