At the end of your shower turn the water to cold. This will seal your pores and keep bacteria and dirt from getting in them and therefore prevent acne.

Did you know that blinking fast for one minute will help you fall asleep if you are having trouble?

If you would like to retain something read it before you go to bed. Sleeping after reading it will help you remember it better in the morning.

If you have a migraine you can put your hands in ice water and flex them to ease the pain.

Did you know that putting deodorant on a mosquito bite will help stop the itch?

When you have a toothache you can rub ice between your thumb and forefinger and it will reduce the pain by up to 50%.

If you want to prevent a sneeze press your tongue against the back of your teeth. I don't know why you would want to do this but….

For brain freeze press your tongue against the roof of your mouth.

To relieve sleepiness hold your breath for as long as you can then release.

Blowing on your thumb can reduce your heart rate.

Tuck your thumb into your fist and grip it tightly to help prevent gagging.

To help prevent crying you can keep your eyes wide open and don't blink.

If you are stuffy when you go to bed put an onion closeby to help you breathe.

Marshmallows can soothe a sore throat.

If you have a tickle in your throat, scratch your ear.

If you are feeling dizzy when you lay down, put one foot on the ground. It helps your brain recalculate.

Your right ear is better at hearing words and your left ear is better with music and other sounds.

And last but not least, did you have that if you have to pee and there is no bathroom nearby, think about sex. It distracts your brain and can help relieve the pressure.

Mary Crawford, HealthCare Employment Network