So, believe it or not, 25 years ago today the internet went public on August 23rd, 1991, an amazing day in our history for sure. Sir Tim Berners-Lee and lots of other internet pioneers turned the world into a globally connected place. And what would any of us do today without the internet. Can we even imagine such a thing? Well, obviously a lot of us can remember when there was no internet, and no cell phones but I sure do like being more connected to my family, friends and the rest of the world.

Many of us work online now, shop online now, even start relationships online now. We live in a connected world. We can view places on the opposite site of our beautiful Earth and even hear the local sounds.

The knowledge afforded us at this juncture is truly amazing. You can find anything you may want to see, hear, buy, visit, etc…..all online and available at your fingertips, in your home on your laptop, or even in your pocket with our cell phones doing everything the computer used to.

Of course, traveling healthcare professionals and travel nurses use the internet for many things. We can find jobs, explore new places to see if we even want to visit there and so much more.

The internet has changed everything about our world and how we live it everyday. I for one am very happy about the internet and enjoy my job working at home on my computer. Obviously 30 years ago I could not have done a job online in my own home and now a lot of us make our living that way.

So, once again, Welcome Internet!

 Mary Crawford, HealthCare Employment Network