Honey feeds the good bacteria that you need and fights bad bacteria like MRSA. There are reports of honey being used to treat MRSA successfully.

Honey can kill dental bacteria known to cause plaque. Manuka honey, a special honey imported from New Zealand has been shown to be as effective as mouthwash in reducing plaque formation.

Honey is far superior to pharmaceuticals for killing herpes.Honey was shown to be 35 – 43% more effective than the common drug acyclovir used for herpes outbreaks.

Honey can protect your stomach from damage from alcohol, aspirin and NSAID pain relievers.

Honey has been shown to be more effective in treating cough in children than the leading prescription drugs. My dad used to dose us with his homemade cough syrup when we were children. It contained honey and lemon. We never took cough medicines.

Honey contains antioxidant flavonoids. These flavonoids help reduce the risk of some cancers and heart disease.

Honey has been shown to alleviate allergies if you take a dose of locally produced honey to your area every day.

It can be used as a sleep aid, to make an all natural energy drink, boost memory and so much more. It might be time to incorporate some local honey into your diet if at all possible as the benefits are many.

Here's to Honey in your Tea! Have a great day!

Mary Crawford, HealthCare Employment Network