HealthCare Employment Network would like to wish all our veterans a Happy Veterans Day today! Veteran's Day is a holiday set aside by the federal government to honor and thank the veterans who are still alive for their bravery and contribution to the United States.

November 11 was originally named Armistice Day in honor of the cease-fire which led to the end of "The Great War" as World War 1 was called. President Woodrow Wilson urged Americans to celebrate the day with public meetings and parades.Some businesses even suspended work for a short period at 11am on November 11.

The name of the day was changed to Veterans Day after World War II and the Korean War so that all military personnel would be honored. Veterans Day is also celebrated in other countries including Canada, the UK, France, Australia, South Africa and Malta. Most countries have different ways of celebrating but all are honoring and thanking the brave men and women who put their lives on the line to protect others.

Today on Veterans Day make sure you thank a veteran. I'm sure you can find one or two among your co-workers or family. Hold peace and love in your hearts and minds and let us move forward together.

Thank you Veterans from HealthCare Employment Network!

Mary Crawford and the whole crew at HealthCare Employment Network!