Did you know that Halloween is now the second largest commercially celebrated holiday in America and boasts over $8 billion in sales? Halloween is mostly celebrated in America by dressing in costumes, carving pumpkins and trick-or-treating, or more recently trunk-or-treating.

November 1 was the day the ancient Celts began their new year and this day marked the end of the harvest and the beginning of the winter season…the end of light and the beginning of darkness, the end of life and the beginning of death. The Druids (Celtic priests) make bonfires on hilltops and the people came and made sacrifices of animals and crops in hopes of winning the favor of the gods for a prosperous new year. It was also thought that evening before this day, Halloween or All Hallows Eve, was the evening that the line between living and dead became thinner and that spirits of those passed roamed the earth as well as evil spirits and fairies. They wore costumes on this evening in case they were to come across an evil spirit they would be dressed as one as well, and therefore spared the evil and trouble. The carved pumpkins or turnips placed at their doors to ward away evil spirits from their homes.

Of course, Halloween is just a reason for everyone to party, celebrate, dress up and collect candy. And a lot of neighborhoods are offering Trunk or Treat as an alternative to the old house to house trick or treating.

Have fun! Be Safe and Happy Halloween to all!

Mary Crawford, HealthCare Employment Network