Here come the reminders everywhere to get your flu vaccination. But do they really help? Mounting research has shown that the vaccination approach to preventing the flu doesn't actually work and may be detrimental to long term health.

U.S. government officials admitted in January 2015 that in most years flu shots are maybe 50-60% effective at preventing confirmed cases of flu which require medical care. In December of 2015 the CDC came out that the flu vaccine was less than 50% effective more than half the time between 2005 and 2015.

Recent studies have shown that receiving annual vaccines appears to diminish the effect of the vaccine. The people who did show immunity by receiving the vaccine had not been vaccinated in the previous five years. Other more severe flu infections can be contracted from the flu vaccine itself. In children it was shown that the risk of hospitalization for flu was three times higher in the vaccinated children then children who were not vaccinated. Many independent science reviews have stated that flu vaccines do not prevent or lessen the incidence or severity of the flu.

The FluMist which was touted as the better option consisted of a live virus nasal spray. The CDC and the American Academy of Pediatrics even stated that the FluMist was the preferred method of vaccination for children. But FluMist has failed miserably as studies show that in the 2015/2016 flu season it had a 97% failure rate. Also, when you ingest a live virus you also shed live vaccine-strain virus in your body fluids and thereby can infect other people at risk. This can also cause evolution of the viruses into further mutations spreading throughout the environment.

It has also been proven that vaccines will wreak havoc on your immune system. As a healthcare professional, I'm sure it would be best to keep your immune system at optimal levels and not compromise it in any way.

Some ingredients in the flu vaccine, like thimerosal, a mercury preservative, is a neurotoxin and can depress your brain and immune functioning. Vaccines using lab-altered viruses can be detrimental to your immune response and can alter your T-cell function, leading to chronic illness. Autoimmunity can be triggered in some people by the foreign DNA/RNA from animal tissues used in vaccines. Abnormalities in arterial function and LDL oxidation can persist for up to two weeks after you receive the flu vaccine, which poses a risk to your cardiovascular system.

There are many ways to protect yourself against the flu without vaccinations even though they are recommended by most health officials. Some things you can do to help boost your immune system and defend against the flu are:

Get off the sugar…the function of your immune system is compromised by sugar and processed food almost immediately. Eat more real food for a healthy immune system.

Rest is so important. If you don't get proper restful sleep your immune system will be compromised and it will become harder to complete your everyday tasks as well as provide the care your patients need.

Optimize your Vitamin D levels. Research shows that vitamin D deficiency may actually be the real culprit, not even the flu virus itself. Increasing your vitamin D levels can be the single most important action you can take to defend yourself from the flu.

Find ways to deal with your stress. Your body cannot fight off any illness when your stress levels are high. If you find yourself stressed all the time, please research and find ways to let it go. Stress will kill you!

Wash your hands often. As healthcare professionals we all this fact but still let it slide sometimes. Don't let it slide. Wash your hands often.

And of course exercise. Exercise is good for you in many ways, reduces stress, gets the blood flowing and helps to boost your immune system. If you can exercise outdoors or near trees or nature you will get even more benefit.

We know the flu vaccine is pushed on everyone every year and especially in the healthcare fields, as are so many other vaccines. It's your choice. Do your research, be informed and stay healthy!

Mary Crawford, HealthCare Employment Network