You know this. First impressions are very important in life and can make or break you as a travel nurse or traveling healthcare professional. In some cases first impressions literally happen in the blink of an eye.For nurses and healthcare workers it is hard to take a minute to make a good first impression due to the harried nature of the job. So many nurses are overworked and have too many patients to take care of each shift and that makes it hard to always present your best self. There are a few basic tips that may help you.

Dress the part. The patients you see will not know you and from the very start dressing the part conveys professionalism. Make sure your uniform is clean, as well as your overall appearance, including hair, nails and shoes. Don't wear a lot of makeup and/or jewelry. Looking like you are clean and professional will help reassure your patients that you are capable from the get go. It really does help the patient take you more seriously and hopefully instills trust as well.

Make the effort to do what you say and follow up. Be on time. If you tell your patient you will be back for them to do something at a certain time, make your best effort to do so. Being late or making people wait only loses you credibility and trust that is hard to regain. Remember, everyone's time is of importance to them, as yours is to you.

Remember that eye contact with your patient is very important. When you walk in the room make and maintain eye contact and smile at your new patient and family members. Maintaining eye contact with your patient at first, and then throughout your interactions, indicates that you care, that you are open and interested in them and their condition and treatment.

These arejust a few basic thoughts to help everyone in interactions, especially with new patients. Travel nurse and professional healthcare professionals come in contact with so many new patients and co-workers that it's always great to make a good first impression. Safe travels and keep smiling!..

Mary Crawford, HealthCare Employment Network