Have you ever heard of "Shinrin-yoku". It is a Japanese term for spending time in the forest. "Forest bathing" has been shown to benefit physical and mental health. This is due to the fact that while walking in the forest you are inhaling beneficial bacteria, plant-derived essential oils and negatively charged ions from the forest air. Living near nature can even extend your lifespan studies have shown. Any green space can be beneficial including city parks, and agricultural areas.

I am one of those people that are called by nature. There is nothing better than being outdoors as far as I'm concerned and I can feel the difference after a nice nature hike.Your brain and body are made to sync up with nature. Our circadian rhythms will sync with mother nature if allowed to do so. That's not so possible nowadays in our 24/7 world. That is a lot of the reason there is so much more chronic illness and disease in our society today. Many people don't make the time to connect with nature. In some cases, it would take a lot of effort to do so and the benefits are not perceived as important.

Do yourself a favor. Go outside. Take a walk. Breathe the air. As a travel nurse or professional healthcare traveler the lifestyle is often beyond stressful. A walk in nature will do you so much good it is even hard to believe. Do it! Go for a walk. You won't believe the difference.

Mary Crawford, HealthCare Employment Network