At the end of your shower turn the water to cold. This will seal your pores and keep bacteria and dirt from getting in them and therefore prevent acne.

If you would like to retain something read it before you go to bed. Sleeping after reading it will help you remember it better in the morning.

If you have a migraine you can put your hands in ice water and flex them to ease the pain.

Did you know that putting apple cider vinegar on a mosquito bite will help stop the itch?

When you have a toothache you can rub ice between your thumb and forefinger and it will reduce the pain by up to 50%.

For brain freeze press your tongue against the roof of your mouth.

To relieve sleepiness hold your breath for as long as you can then release.

Blowing on your thumb can reduce your heart rate.

Tuck your thumb into your fist and grip it tightly to help prevent gagging.

To help prevent crying you can keep your eyes wide open and don't blink.

If you are stuffy when you go to bed put an onion closeby to help you breathe.

Marshmallows can soothe a sore throat.

If you have a tickle in your throat, scratch your ear.

If you are feeling dizzy when you lay down, put one foot on the ground. It helps your brain recalculate.

Your right ear is better at hearing words and your left ear is better with music and other sounds.

How about an easy way to extract a splinter from your hand? Fill a wide mouthed bottle with hot water almost to top and then press affected hand tightly against the mouth of the bottle. The suction will pull down the skin and the steam will draw the splinter out.

You can separate drinking glasses when they are stuck together by putting cold water in the top glass and then place the lower glass in warm water and they will separate at once.

If you would like to revive cut flowers that have faded you can put the stems in hot water and let them stay there until the water cools. Then cut the ends and put them in cold water as you normally would.

When boiling potatoes, add a pinch of sugar as well as salt. When the potatoes are done pour the water out and replace over heat source and shake the pan a little to dry the potatoes.

In order to preserve a valuable vase, fill the bottom with sand to make it weigh more so it won't be prone to tipping.

If you need to clean up broken glass a soft damp cloth works best. If you can, use an old rag that can be thrown away with the glass.

You can boil a cracked egg by adding a little vinegar to the water. It should boil like normal and not leak contents after adding vinegar.

Waterproof your shoes or other items by coating them with Bees Wax.

You can take a picture of a business card in case you lose the card. This way you will still have the info in your phone should the card disappear.

You should ideally keep a card in your wallet or your purse that has medical contact information, blood type and allergies listed in case of an emergency.

Egg cartons are great for storing Christmas decorations.

A pants hanger makes a great cookbook holder in the kitchen. You can clip the book or recipe in and then hang it on the cabinet.

A muffin tin works great to serve condiments at a barbecue.

If you put a wooden spoon across a boiling pot it will keep it from boiling over.

So, these are just a few great little tips and tricks that can help any of us out, and especially the busy healthcare traveler and/or travel nurse. I don't know about you, but I'm always looking for helpful tips to make life a little easier.

Mary Crawford, HealthCare Employment Network