That's right. Too many jobs and not enough nurses creates a great job market for RN's and Allied professionals. That's also why the travel nurse industry is booming now and will continue to grow into the next decade. If you have at least two years experience in ICU there are many facilities looking for you!

ICU-Burn Unit, MICU, SICU, PICU, CVICU and ICU-Critical Care are all specialties that the recruiters at the Travel Nurse Agencies are looking for. Are you ready to start your travel adventure, or maybe start planning one for next year?

Medical ICU, Surgical ICU, Pediatric ICU, ICU-Burn Unit and ICU-Critical Care RN's can find great employment opportunities across the US, including Hawaii and Alaska. There are literally hundreds of jobs available.

ICU RN's specialize in providing care in intensive care units of hospitals. The percentage of critically ill patients requiring expert care continues to rise as health care advances. The ICU nurse can also work in specialized units and sometimes provide care to people of all ages, though most provide care to either children or adults.

The RN in the ICU must be proficient in a wide variety of high-level nursing skills and need to be experts in evaluating and administering care, while recognizing complications. A successful ICU RN will excel at interpersonal communication, leadership, strategic planning, critical thinking and decision-making. It is a complex and challenging specialty to work in the ICU and the nurses must use advanced skills to car efor critically ill and high risk patients while working closely with physicians and other members of the healthcare team.

If you would like to get started on your first or next adventure just click here to fill out our More Information form and we will get the ball rolling.

Mary Crawford, HealthCare Employment Network