It's such a stressful life we all lead and, of course, healthcare professionals get so much more of this than the normal worker. Dealing with life and death situations and emergencies in a fast paced environment can really take a toll on your health.

Sometimes at the end of the day you really have to just let go and breathe. I know, easier said than done. But there are many methods to help you unwind and let go of the stress.

One of the easiest and most effective ways to release the tension is to just sit down in a comfortable position and breathe. Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth and focus on the breath. Feel it entering your body and imagine that it is bringing peace in with every breath. Feel the breath leaving your body and imagine it taking the stress away as you exhale. Practice makes perfect. There is no right or wrong way to do this. The only wrong way is to not try it at all. A few conscious breaths should make a huge difference in your attitude.

Exercise is another great key to de-stressing at the end of a long day. It is proven that exercise will make you feel better even though you are fatigued or depressed. Thirty minutes of exercise will get your blood flowing and pump more oxygen into your cells. Your cells run on oxygen so increasing the oxygen flow makes everything work more efficiently. I have been riding my bicycle a lot lately and it is great to be using large muscles, sweating and have the breeze blowing in my face.

A walk outdoors is always a good way to bring yourself back to center as well. If you can walk in nature that is even better. It is proven that being outdoors and breathing the air in a forest or wooded environment will reduce neural activity and can even increase your lifespan. "Forest bathing" has been shown to benefit physical and mental health because you inhale beneficial bacteria, plant-derived essential oils and negatively charged ions from the forest air.

And, I can't ever say enough about yoga. Yoga helps in all ways. You can find a class closeby or you can search YouTube and follow a video. There are hundreds if not thousands available online today in every form and fashion of yoga. Please avail yourself of it. I have been practicing by myself in my home for over 20 years and have attended many classes and conferences over the years as well. I find practicing first thing in the morning works best for me. But to each his/her own.

Just breathe grasshopper and learn to let go. Don't let the stress of our everyday world kill you!

Mary Crawford, HealthCare Employment Network