On May 12, 2017 a new attack of the WannaCry ransomware computer worm was released and started affecting computers worldwide. This cyberattack goes after Windows Microsoft systems that have not kept their security patches up to date.

This ransomware usually infects your computer after you have opened a"Phishing" email. It enters through a back door and spreads through local networks and remote hosts who have not recently installed security updates.A critical patch was issued by Microsoft in the middle of March to remove the underlying vulnerability but many users have not installed this patch. Windows has released patches all the way back to XP which is not something they normally do and this is due to the breadth of the attack and the fact that older systems are more vulnerable.

This is a dangerous malware that will encrypt all your data and then demand a payment in bitcoin or dollars for you to access your information again. Be aware and make sure you have your security patches and fixes up to date if you are running Windows on your devices.

Be safe and be careful. The hackers are always trying to find new ways to access your device. Be aware and don't click on or open emails from unknown sources. All it takes is one click and you are infected.

We know as healthcare travelers and travel nurses, we rely on the internet and our electronic devices every day. Know what you are clicking before you click or don't go there.

Mary Crawford, HealthCare Employment Network